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Edexcel Politics Constitution content, essay planning, writing and exemplar answers

Edexcel Politics Constitution content, essay planning, writing and exemplar answers

3 Resources
Two fully resourced lessons on Labour, Coalition and Conservative constitutional reforms, with homeworks written into each. A writing guide for paper 1 and paper 2 essays, as well as an exemplar answer and one to improve, to the question Evaluate the view that reforms to the UK’s constitution since 1997 have not gone far enough (30). Can be used to set up, prep for, assess and feedback to A Level Class - Will cover 4 lessons. Saves 1/3 buying as a bundle.
Should the UK have a codified constitution?

Should the UK have a codified constitution?

Edexcel Politics lesson for topic 1 - Constitution covering the issue of whether we should have a codified constitution. This lesson preps students to for the past paper source question on this debate and includes an article to set them for homework in preparation; a ‘how to’ writing guide for source questions and an exemplar written answer to use for feedback with colour code to talk students through top level answers.
Edexcel Government UK Parliamentary Sovereignty

Edexcel Government UK Parliamentary Sovereignty

Fully resourced lesson for Edexcel Government UK topic one on constitution covering Parliamentary Sovereignty. It has a worksheet to cover how sovereignty works with other aspects of the constitution, such as devolved bodies. Also includes two really useful articles to ensure students gain real political examples of how sovereignty works in practice. Homework written in to bridge to my devolution lessons. Works well with rest of my series of lessons on the constitution topic.
Edexcel Government UK Rule of Law

Edexcel Government UK Rule of Law

Fully resources lesson for Edexcel Constitution topic on the Rule of Law. Included a table and info sheets to fill, as well as lots of real political examples and links to useful articles on the slides. Great for discussion on how well the government is currently holding up the Rule of Law. Homework written into the lesson. Works well as part of my scheme of lessons on Constitution topic.